Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Food As Medicine



Thank you:
Tony ॐ
▀▄▀Candace~s World▄▀▄▀▄▀▄
lonesome dove
~Huntress of Truth~
Vivid ﷲ Imagination
Warrior, Dreamer, Shaman...~John B~

Food as Medicine

This is Jerry Brunetti's highly informative video lecture Food as Medicine (2005) where he lays out his experience with terminal cancer which he successfully overcame with eating healthy and different food than he used to eat until then. In 1999 he was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and given 6 months to live. He did not submit to chemotherapy, but rather, developed his own unique dietary approach to enhance his immune system. Jerry shares his personal experiences and provides his recipe for healthy living. You will learn about the crucial importance of minerals, which foods to choose for your best health requirements and what to avoid. After viewing this fascinating lecture you'll realize the remarkable value of food in building good foundations, and providing buffers, to keep your body healthy..

Food as Medicine features:
- The power of pigments
- Make your plate a rainbow.

- Protection from cruciferous vegetables.

- The good oils.

- Fabulous fermentation.

- Eggs - The ultimate food.

- Butter vs.
- The power of raw milk.

- What major minerals do-Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorous and Sulfur.

- The trace mineral catalysts-Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Boron and Iron.

- The forgotten five-Iodine, Molybdenum, Cobalt, Selenium and Chromium.

Part one

Length 1 hr 43 mins

http://video. google. com/videoplay?docid=-8841234327210711547

Part two

Length 1 hr 26 mins

http://video. google. com/videoplay?docid=-7798117152905143532


Monday, August 11, 2008

Stop Smoking The Easy Way

Stop Smoking The Easy Way
By Derek Henry

Tips to quit smoking, Nicotine addiction is something that is really hard to break, in my experience gum and patches did nothing but make me want more gum and patches. When I ran out of them I once again without hesitation went back to cigarettes until I got more. But now I have not smoked in 6 months and want to share some of my tip's to help other people stop smoking for good.
1.Remember nicotine is very addictive and I don't think cold turkey is the way to go, what I did was count how mant cigarettes I was smoking in a day and every two days remove one. I started out by saying to myself do I really need three cigarettes during lunch it's only an hour so I took the one out from the middle. Taking one away every two days seemed to work for me a lot better than just stopping all together or one every day, because I think it gave my body a chance to adjust.

2. Stop the cravings, yes the craving's are by far the hardest part but I got through it, and so can you. When I first began tring to quit on my own I bought a lot of products and looked for help online. But I dropped the products pretty fast when I found my addiction had just changed to a patch or gum that was still giving me nicotine. So I looked online for help, and found some good advice. Like in between cigarettes it say's keep your hands busy by sewing or knitting. That might be good advice for some, but for me sewing and knitting would just bore the hell out of me and make me want to smoke even more. So I substituted the boring stuff with Playing on my ps3 or watching tv and going to the driving range and blasting some golf balls. It really doesn't matter what you do as long as you do somthing that keeps your hands busy and keeps your mind off of smoking. Also chewing your favorite gum might help when A bad craving strikes.

3.The last piece of the puzzle for me was the actual motion of smoking. You know lifting it up to your lips. I found out that by chewing on straws and popsicle sticks for a little bit and holding it like a cigarette that it got my mind off of smoking a lot. I know you and other people might think that is nasty, but just think what's worst, chewing on sticks, or smoking cigarettes. If you don't think smoking is nasty than stop for A few months and then hang around people who just smoked. That nasty smell, is what all the non-smokers smelled on you EVERY TIME YOU SMOKED.

Author's Bio

I really hope that this help's some of you stop smoking. But if you read this and still feel helpless than I suggest you try this. Stop Smoking Now The Easy Way

